Top 5 Statistics Basics You Need To Know

3 min


Undoubtedly it is not a piece of cake to learn statistics Basics and be a master of statistics. However, basic concepts of statistics are essential for people who want to pursue their career as a data scientist and similar other fields.

Statistics is a field of mathematics, where we use basic mathematical concepts to analyze data and make valuable conclusions. Additionally, With the help of statistics, we can represent important information in an effective and easy way.

So, if you are interested in knowing about the statistics basics, read this blog till the last point, because here we will discuss the basic concepts of statistics. When you become familiar with these concepts, you can grow your career in this field.

5 Statistics Basics You Need To Know

Below are some basics that you need to know to rule the statistics processes. Also, These concepts are the backbone of the statistics, and you can not ignore these concepts to rock the statistics process and measurements.

  • Get familiar with the types of analytics
  • Know the probability concept
  • Understand how to evaluate the central tendency
  • What is variability?
  • How to determine the relationship between variables?
  • Concept of Probability Distribution
  • Statistical Significance and Hypothesis Testing
  • Regression

Here we will discuss the top 5 out of them.

Types of Analytics

Here we should know 4 types of analytics and how they are different from each other.

Descriptive Analytics: It deals with the past information of a business, by using previous data. It helps the stakeholders and investors to evaluate the performance of an organization.

Diagnostic Analytics: It utilizes the findings of descriptive analytics and tells us the reasons behind the happenings in the past.

Predictive Analysis: It identifies the risks likely to happen in the future in any business. It prevents businesses from experiencing any losses by analyzing data with different methods.

Prescriptive Analytics: It provides information regarding the actions we should take and should not take to grow rapidly.


It is a state of being probable and the extent to which something is likely to happen. Probability lies between 0 and 1. In probability, you need to learn some formulas such as-

Complement= P(A) + P( A’) = 1

Union = P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) -P(A ⋂ B)

Intersection= P(A⋂B) = P(A) P(B)

You should also know the basics of conditional probability, independent events, mutually exclusive events, bayes’ theorem.

Central Tendency

In central tendency, we have to determine the terms mean, median, mode, skewness, kurtosis etc.

Mean- Average of the dataset.

Suppose we have the terms 3, 6, 7, 2, 9, 5, 3

Mean= total of all the terms/ number of terms


Median: The middle term of the dataset is known as the median.

In the above case, the median value is 2.

When we have to determine the median of even number terms, then consider two middle values and take their average as a median.

Mode: The frequent value or repetitive value in the data set is the mode value. For example, when we consider the above instance 3 comes two times so 3 is the mode value.

Skewness: Here, we check the symmetry of the data points, whether they are symmetric or skew-symmetric.

Kurtosis: It is used to ensure that the data is heavy-tailed or light-tailed within a normal distribution.


In this concept of statistics, we need to study the below terms.

Range: Range is the difference between the highest and lowest dataset values. In statistics basics, we need to study percentiles, quartiles, interquartile ranges.

Variance: It is the average squared difference of the data in the dataset.

Standard Deviation- The standard difference between- each data point


and the square root of the variance is provided by standard deviation.

Standard Error- We need to get familiar with the population and sample standard error. It is an estimate of the standard deviation of the sampling distribution.

Relationship of Variables

There are three types of relationship we have to get familiar with: causality, covariance, correlation.

Causality: It is the relationship where one event is affected by the other.

Covariance: The joint variability between two or more variables is known as the covariance relationship.

Correlation-  Relationship of two variables and ranges. The correlation value lies between -1 to 1.

 So these are the basics of statistics we should know before going ahead in the field of statistics. When you know all the basics of statistics you can excel in this field without any difficulty.


In this blog we have discussed the statistics basics which a beginner or students who want to excel in the data science field. Should know. I hope now you understand what statistics needs to start. the basics of statistics we should know before going ahead in the field of statistics. When you know all the basics of statistics you can excel in this field without any difficulty. If a person fails to clear their basic concepts, he or she likely faces various difficulties in their profession.

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